Thursday, 26 June 2014

Happily ever after........Living in the moment..........Happily ever after

  "There is no such thing like happily ever after", we have heard this numerous number of times. The concept is laughed at, scorned, toppled or presented as non-existent. 

Discussing a sensitive subject like this can even get one, butt lashed or sore faced.

At the start things always seem simple and it is in simple that extra ordinary seems achievable; the impossible dream as they say.
Childhood dreams and girlish fantasies are lovely; unspoilt, uncorrupted by the reality of change. Most girls have gone through this phase. Having said that, each one of us has had a different version of what our knight in shining armor looks like, the ultimate fairy tale marriage and our individual concept of happily ever after.

We dreamt it so why be embarrassed or fake that we didn't, just because we are all grown up now. Most of us have played house-house; hosting make believe tea parties, got our dolls married, etc. and for those ladies who did not, please don’t think less of us, just because the vast majority of us did. It doesn't matter if we were girlie or tom boyish, what mattered is that we all had secret dreams and fantasies and enthusiastically waited to live our dreams as soon as we could grow up. 

Some of us had simple dreams while others went out all nine yards. The romance novels, girlie gossip, coupled with male attention and promises to die for, have led women to believe that this dream will happen for them, even if it did not happen for others. With fingers crossed teenagers have pledged to hold on to this eternal dream; Happily ever after.

Idealistic views are definitely a great way to begin; aim for the treetop without an iota of doubt in mind. At the beginning intentions are always good and effort is always given its best shot.

It is the years that follow and experiences which sometimes are not pleasant that result in a wake up call; maybe all is not so well in paradise.

Times, when boyfriends do not listen to what we feel; feeble words, ineffective communication, lost en route from heart to lips. Times, when the list of men pursuing a lady is more for her outer beauty and the inner beauty and child in her is never noticed. 

Times, when lust is convenient and love is a lot of hard work. Times, when love has to be parked since there are bills to pay. Times, when struggle, resistance and calculations get the better of love. Times, when the magic has long gone out of the window. Times, when competition makes one so insecure that they stop loving and start retaliating. 

Times, when money is a far more fashionable ride than choosing the boy next door who knows everything about you, yet he is never in your line of sight. Times, when infidelity breaks the heart. Times, when one is tired of heartbreak, rejection and loneliness. 

Times, when we run out of excuses to console ourselves let alone go looking for hope. Times, when destiny takes away a partner. At all these times, happily ever after seems only a rusted thought, than the energy it fueled us with at the start.

We doubt our dreams, we doubt ourselves.

Pain, loss, suffering, disappointment, failure, rejection are batch mates from a school called: Dull Day. They have an unsettling effect on all and often lead us far away from positivity and hope, into dark places where vision, thought and action seem disjointed; everything is unclear.

Wear and tear (Dull Day Curriculum) is a process of life. A baby has to kick and stretch to grow, the muscle tears and repairs when we work out and the caterpillar has to die for the butterfly to be born.

It is important to hold on to ones dream but not match it with a name or face of a person. Destiny the mastermind, will take us to that dream sadly or gladly, to a partner individually right for us but that person may not be the one we are with right now. The pain of not getting what or who we want is what hurts more than the fading away momentarily of happily ever after. People spend months even years, before they can get themselves to let go and move on. Delay incurred, is eventually delay of your own train from reaching its destination on time, it's really up to you.

One may try many covers to fit a box but only the right size will fit, so the person trying can either break the cover or the box by forcing it to fit or keep trying till the right one fits.

The above example is no different from finding love. We work hard to make our partner or ourselves walk the course but at some point it either breaks the partner because they get tired of trying to fit in or break ourselves in frustration of not being able to make it happen. But with the right one it simply fits.

That does not mean that with the right one there won't be challenges or adjustments, what it means is, it will be a team effort towards a common and rewarding goal. Good intentions is the first pledge of love, the want to give a part of oneself voluntarily, the want to share ones life, the want to make space for the other; self driven motivation and not forced action.

The perks of wear and tear (Dull Day Graduation Certificate), is that the abrasions of the heart and soul is actually what brings us to this fabulous place called living in the moment, taking a day at a time and seeing people for who they actually are, than who we want them to be or expect them to be. In this place of self awareness and awareness of others we open ourselves up to the sun hence, it seems as though it's shining brighter, actually it's not, its simply shining like everyday but since we are not wearing shades of preconceived ideas, notions and expectations, it seems brighter.

Nature serves us unlimited opportunities, we meet numerous people in our one human lifetime, let alone the lives the soul has journeyed over perpetuity; some people end up as friends, some as healers, some as mentors, some as confidants and when you least expect it you will meet the right partner for you, in the here and now.

This person can be many things to us, a friend, lover, soul mate or twin flame. The one thing this person creates over the list of other things that connects two people is a sense of peace and harmony; a feeling of complete. The feeling of completeness is more in togetherness, a place of rest. The magical point to note is that this person is a result of our journey through the good and bad to get to the present moment in our individual life, no matter what that place is, irrelevant of abundance or deficiency, it’s only centered on being aware and present in the moment, in the here and now.

Once we are living in the moment, each moment is the present and each day of the present is continuous which in all actuality is ever after. Being open to life attracts life and life itself is joy, no matter how short or long.

To be alive in soul, spirit, mind and body is the greatest achievement for any human being. The simple things are the greatest, yet we learn their value when we are at the brink of deprivation, loss or deficiency. Everybody breathes from the day they are born till they depart, it's common to all, given to all mankind freely yet for someone with respiratory problems, the greatest gift is to breathe without effort. Similarly, connecting in harmony through love with our creator is a given, yet when we lose our way, the return journey is the greatest achievement.

Therefore, if living life wholly is about happiness and happiness if lived in the moment is present continuous, then happily ever after does exist and it is wonderful to experience the same.

The past is gone and yet it has given us so much, wisdom being one gift above all other things, it's this wisdom that makes us appreciate today as a wonderful gift, priceless beyond words or value. Living in the today everyday, is ever after and there is a little bit of love in each day. Gratitude opens us up to the limitless fountain of love and like the morning it fills us with brilliance.

"Dreams are not negotiable" Paulo Coelho

So ladies hold on to your happily ever after and live in the present everyday till the empty frame has a happy picture staring right back at you. Nothing is ever erased by nature, only recycled, repackaged and sent right back.

Look out for what’s dropped off in your post box, for the next time you go might be surprised.

Till then hang in there, the seasons keep changing.


  1. We all believe in stories of "Happily Ever After" and i like the way you have put this together, especially te choice of words. My favorite line of the blog being "if living life wholly is about happiness and happiness if lived in the moment is present continuous, then happily ever after does exist and it is wonderful to experience the same". Anticlimax being that it is only addressed to the ladies ;-) there are even men who would want that perfect one with whom they could live "Happily ever after" :-) :D. I did enjoy reading it and it did roll back all childhood memories, the stupid crushes you have..and so much more...:)

    1. Dear Mel, thank you so much for your valuable comment and more so for assuring me that men too believe in "Happily ever after". Firstly my apology for making this article ladies centric ( It's not all about pink shoes.....the blue ties also share the same impossible dream). I will try to include both genders in my subjects next time, so that the subject can be holistically enjoyed by both genders. And Yes men too want that perfect partner with whom they could live "Happily ever after". Please keep reading and posting your comments.
