Wednesday, 12 March 2014

No longer a Caterpillar

I am a butterfly, risen from the ground to the strength of flight. No longer a victim of gravity am I, for the skies embrace me now.


No longer do I crawl and live in the sand, today the breeze kisses me and the sun warms my wings encouraging me onwards.

No longer do I have feet, since I have a pair of wings.

No longer is my skin shades of brown for now I am a brilliant shade of blue.

Destiny planned this life cycle for me, life is bursting to happen and the sky is waiting to be taken on.

Why then does the world expect me to be a caterpillar again, to crawl everyday when I can fly, to be a victim of gravity, when I am free ready to take on the skies.

Why should I allow caterpillars to define my journey and why expect them to understand my metamorphosis, for they never will till they themselves are transformed. Then they will know, for then they too will see what I see, the day they become like me.

A butterfly I am, this is who I am, to soar in the sky, flow with the breeze, drink the dew from flowers and spread joy wherever I go.

I choose not to return to what I have left behind, for here and now, is who I am.

The life of a butterfly is far better than that of a caterpillar, since a butterfly is a result of change and a  caterpillar is a life in transit filled with pause and plea, waiting for the miracle of change to happen; metamorphosis.

Change is beautiful when embraced it sets you free and makes you more beautiful than you can ever imagine yourself to be.

A butterfly I would rather be, than a caterpillar dreaming of a butterfly's life, which sadly a caterpillar will never be able to see.

No words can describe liberation from gravity or shedding old skin for new wings or replacing crawling with flight. Only experience of the journey can replace words, which is so spectacular that there is no need for words anymore.

Change is lovely and as I fly in the sky I enjoy my freedom, this life is opportunity given to me.

I am a butterfly and gladly a caterpillar no more. 


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you Renuka, you are quite the butterfly yourself. please keep checking the blog for more posts.
