Monday, 10 March 2014


Human beings are not a type, there is nothing called a type.

We are a sum total of the choices we make each day, that make us who we are. When we bond with like-minded who have the same opinions or experiences as us then it gets termed as a type. Hence, the birth of classifications; clans, associations, groups, sects, fraternities, denominations, etc.

The power to overthrow clanism rests in us, when we set ourselves free from the prison of our own minds and look deeper in self awareness which is the first step towards self empowerment. We can be different from who we were, depending on what we choose here and now.

Choice and Change are two sisters like Cause and Effect. No choice is without an effect and all choices bring a course correction either to a new high, low or worse being a build up till the outburst.

Change is difficult but not impossible. To swim, one has to get wet so why not welcome change and allow it to rain over us. Firstly, change alone is constant and secondly one can either go with the flow or be broken by it.

Choose not to let patterns or types define self. Every choice one makes can liberate them from generalization to broadcast a freshness of Self.

The day we choose not to be residents of a mould, we will become empowered not to place others it nor be held prisoner by it.

Choose not to be a type, permit the mind a chance to be free; in freedom great things happen.


  1. Its just the begining ann....keep them coming....nice read :)

  2. Thanks Azim, please keep checking the blog for updates and post
