Pink Shoes and Blue Ties is a name close to my heart because I believe in every boy/man, there is a little pink and in every girl/woman,there is a bit of blue.
Pink Shoes: The day men can walk out and embrace their soft shades of pink; the emotions they work so hard to suppress, tears they often hide or shed only when alone and the limitless love they hold in their hearts but seldom allow others to see and rarely distribute, that day men will find no need to understand women only enjoy, accept and cherish them. Then women will stop saying "Only gay men understand women".
Pink shoes is for all the wonderful men to bridge the distance between trying to understand women to celebrating life with them, as fathers, brothers, friends, lovers, husbands and sons. Wear the shoes, pause, look a bit deeper, think a bit differently and walk the talk.
Blue Ties: On the other hand the day women swim freely in the blue they will accept without prejudice that a large part of us is emotional than logical so why then are we still explaining, validating or justifying ourselves. We need to embrace freedom without fearing it or criticizing it. Then we will be able to appreciate why men don't need a single day to celebrate manhood, simply because they have chosen to be free everyday; not to please anyone and nor do they seek permission for it.
Women will then understand that in freedom many things seem clearer; choices, preferences, voice, strength and power. We will stop calling each other soul sisters when we don't think for a moment before tearing at each others throats to keep a man or fight for his attention. Why the cat fights for a man?
The presence of freedom is the absence of fear, that day we will stop wanting to please men, seek their approval or work on constantly looking better for them. That day we will stop making everything about men and start making things about ourselves.
Our choices will come from a place of confidence not "Am I good enough for him?" and we will move to a place of love and respect for self and others. That day we will understand blue (men) and why they do the things they do. Then men will have no reason to either lie or feel rejected for their honesty nor will they need to uphold an image of perfection or say things to please us but they can say things as they are, without being scared of offending us.
Women will seize to be the hunted since we will understand the tricks of the hunter, as well as his reasons to hunt.
Blue ties is for all the gals, don't be ashamed of your emotions but please note that men have emotions too and being a man is not an easy job either. Men are the ones we turn to for many things; physically, emotionally and socially. Men fuel our dreams and fantasies and lets not forget that the fairy tales have not made it easy for them either.
Sometimes the knot of the tie gets pulled real tight, especially when the pressure button is switched on. So ladies please wear blue ties and enter a man's world, take a walk around everything is not as simple as we think, when we think men.
The battle of the sexes disappears the day we put ourselves in the others shoes then we appreciate, understand and have new heights of rewarding experiences both with our own gender as well as the better halves.
Pink and Blue,
there's a lot more to explore about me and you.
Pink and Blue,
we are in this together me and you.
Until then it continues to be a raging war between pink and blue and the feminist and male chauvinists continue to fuel fires and fan flames.
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